Most of my writings on digital marketing, advertising and media don’t make it to this blog. Instead, they’re published elsewhere – and a girl can do only so much typing sometimes.
So herewith, a roundup of recently published thinking that’s appeared elsewhere over the past month or so:
My new book! Obviously, this is the big one. Content Marketing published in late October. I’d love to hear your thoughts if you read it. And thanks for waiting at least a couple of months before asking when I plan to write the next book!
The Altimeter Blog Some topics I’ve address on my company’s blog include covering a Pilot Event at company HQ on the future of media at which I spoke with my colleague Jeremiah Owyang; Occupy Wall Street: Disruption & Leaderless Leadership; and thinking about how content marketing is impacting the advertising ecosystem, the topic of the research report I’m currently working on. It will look at how organizations are rebalancing to incorporate content marketing into their other marketing activities.
TopRank Blog I was honored when my friend (and interview subject for the above-cited research report) Lee Odden) asked me to guest post on his TopRank blog on Mastering the Content Workflow. It’s a bit of tactical advice for getting a marketing operation running like a newsroom.
iMedia Connection For the better part of the year, I’ve been writing a fortnightly column for iMedia Connection. My editors there just invited me to write my first feature (or as they call it, “cover story”) on mastering geek speak. It’s practical advice for marketers struggling to communicate with their developer and programmer and generally more techie colleagues. Never have left brain/right brain schisms been deeper than in digital marketing disciplines, but there are ways to bridge those two hemispheres of the brain.
Other recent columns for iMedia include a guide to getting started with content metrics (based on a recent talk I gave at eMetrics New York); and avoiding brand embarassments in real-time.