Do you have what you need to “do” content?
If you don’t, you’re hardly alone. We’re in the throes of conducting interviews with dozens of marketers at (mostly) Fortune 500 enterprises about how they are organizing, budgeting and resourcing for content marketing.
Ironically, while technology has democratized the creation, production and dissemination of content in digital channels, few (if any) of these senior marketers feel they’re properly equipped with the most fundamental tools of the trade: content management systems (CMS) and digital asset management (DAM).
The reasons for this, of course, are as varied as the subject, companies and industry verticals we’re speaking with.
Yet, some patterns are already beginning to emerge. It’s a given that the overarching gap is budget, of course.
The idea that content marketing is “free” is, if not taken literally, at least figuratively pervasive.
Still, other obstacles stand in the way of content strategists and marketers gaining access to the fundamental tools they need. Herewith, some of the barriers we’re seeing:
Please read the rest of this post on MarketingLand
Image credit: Used with permission from Alvin Chua under a Creative Commons license.