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Marketing Land

Global content marketing: It's gonna be big!
Marketing Land
Global content marketing: It's gonna be big! Taking a content marketing program beyond national or regional boundaries is a complex undertaking. Columnist Rebecca Lieb shares what she's learned about challenges and best practices as marketers seek to …

November 22, 2016 3:27 pm

Marketing Land

Global content marketing: It's gonna be big!
Marketing Land
Taking a content marketing program beyond national or regional boundaries is a complex undertaking. Columnist Rebecca Lieb shares what she's learned about challenges and best practices as marketers seek to expand upon their successes. Rebecca Lieb …

November 22, 2016 3:27 pm

Business 2 Community

5 Quotes to Recharge Your Marketing
Business 2 Community
Rebecca Lieb is a strategic advisor, research analyst, keynote speaker, author, and columnist. Her areas of expertise include digital marketing and media. and her clients range from start-ups to non-profits to Fortune 100 brands. So when words of

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November 18, 2016 8:39 pm


How Barron's 'Next' lays bare the tail-wags-dog sponsored content predicament facing financial journalism
Rebecca Lieb, an independent media analyst specializing in content strategy, content marketing and digital marketing, who has worked with many companies on digital marketing, including Fidelity, has another perspective. “People in general, but

November 16, 2016 9:38 pm

Retailers can add links inside Instagram Stories to drive users to their e-commerce sites.
Instagram's Snapchat-like Instagram Stories, which let users and brands post photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours, may soon get a lot more appealing to online retailers. The Facebook Inc.-owned social network today rolled out new features to …
New to Instagram Stories: Boomerang, Mentions and Links – Instagram BlogInstagram Blog
Instagram gets ready to go Live with videoFinancial Times
Instagram will now let creators add URL links, tag friends, and create Boomerangs in StoriesTechCrunch

all 165 news articles »

November 10, 2016 8:24 pm

Top Tech News

Trump Is Master of His Domains
Top Tech News
For the next president of the United States, the Oval Office will come with more than 11m Twitter followers and a new handle. Barack Obama was the first US president to be on the platform, drawing 11.1m followers to the verified @POTUS account since …
Trumpets, Please, For The World's Biggest Owner Of Domain …ChannelNews

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November 4, 2016 7:00 am


Trumpets, Please, For The World's Biggest Owner Of Domain Names
Among them: “”; “”; “”; “”; and “”. There are thousands more, many ending with “sucks”. “Domains are cheap,” branding expert Rebecca Lieb …
Trump Is Master of His Domains, Even Ones that Bash Him – After …Top Tech News

all 2 news articles »

November 3, 2016 11:02 pm

Broadband TV News

Dieter Brockmeyer – 'DC Global Media Innovator' is going to the second round
Broadband TV News
Members of the board are: Rebecca Lieb, a very well-known analyst and speaker from New York – Dato' Ng Wan Peng, COO of Malaysian digital and media industry agency MDEC – Ian Wightman, who is responsible at IHS in Austin/Texas, a globally active …

November 3, 2016 4:00 pm

NewsFactor Network

NewsFactor Tech News – Mobile Edition
NewsFactor Network
Whoever owns must really hate Donald Trump, right? Wrong! It's the Donald himself. The same goes for, …

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November 3, 2016 5:26 am

SaintPetersBlog (blog)

Donald Trump is master of his domains, even ones that bash him
SaintPetersBlog (blog)
“Domains are cheap,” branding expert Rebecca Lieb said. “Mopping up when somebody acquires a domain and does something malicious with it is expensive.” Trump's collection of web addresses good and bad is far more extensive than that of any …

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November 3, 2016 12:59 am