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Campaign US

Facebook bulks up Blueprint training with new courses and a partnership
Campaign US
Research analyst Rebecca Lieb says course like these are important for marketers from SMBs through global agencies, though small marketers with limited resources may benefit most. Even with the resources of agencies, the landscape and products change …

September 13, 2016 10:53 am

Digitālā mārketinga un sociālo mediju šāgada konferencē «DIGITAL …
Šogad konference norisināsies jau 7.reizi un notiks divas dienas – 13. un 14. oktobrī – kinoteātrī «Cinamon». Konferences tēma – «Zīmola attīstība digitālajā …

and more »

September 13, 2016 8:05 am

Media In Canada

Blog: Lessons from Content Marketing World 2016
Media In Canada
Taking another spin on this, analyst Rebecca Lieb shared original research on the power of contextual data delivered by wearables and connected devices and she shared a quote from Gunjan Bhow, SVP of Digital at Disney and former head of product at …

September 12, 2016 3:38 pm

Digitālā mārketinga un sociālo mediju šāgada konferencē "Digital 2016" pasaules atzīti lektori dalīsies pieredzē par …
LETA (Paziņojums presei)
Rebeka Lība (Rebecca Lieb) un Lī Odens (Lee Odden) no ASV Baltijā uzstāsies pirmo reizi. Rebeka Lība ir vairāku grāmatu un pētījumu autore, strādājusi nozīmīgajā biznesa konsultāciju uzņēmumā "Bain & Co", jaunuzņēmumos Tallinā, Londonā un …

September 12, 2016 7:34 am

Rosa Rossa

Adblock ha già battuto Facebook –
Rosa Rossa
"L'ad-blocking è stato un trend in continua e netta ascesa e le entrate di Facebook si basano sulla pubblicità; ecco perché Facebook deve tirare una linea netta …

and more »

August 23, 2016 11:37 am


Facebook blocks the ad blockers
“Facebook is saying that ads are not an add-on to Facebook," says Rebecca Lieb, a digital marketing analyst. "Ads are part of the Facebook experience.” She adds that Facebook wants to protect its bottom line. The company says it's now letting users …
Facebook joins battle to kill ad blockersCIO
A New Way to Control the Ads You See on Facebook, and an Update on Ad Blocking | Facebook NewsroomFacebook Newsroom
Adblock Plus and (a little) more: Oh well, looks like Facebook just got all anti-userAdblock Plus
Wall Street Journal
all 322 news articles »

August 11, 2016 12:44 am

Facebook blocks the ad blockers
“Facebook is saying that ads are not an add-on to Facebook," says Rebecca Lieb, a digital marketing analyst. "Ads are part of the Facebook experience.” She adds that Facebook wants to protect its bottom line. The company says it's now letting users …
Facebook joins battle to kill ad blockersCIO
A New Way to Control the Ads You See on Facebook, and an Update on Ad Blocking | Facebook NewsroomFacebook Newsroom
Adblock Plus and (a little) more: Oh well, looks like Facebook just got all anti-userAdblock Plus
Wall Street Journal
all 322 news articles »

August 10, 2016 10:07 pm

The Indian Express

Facebook joins battle to kill ad blockers
[ Related: Why the ad industry will never win the war on ad blockers ]. "Ad blocking has been an ever-escalating trend," says Rebecca Lieb, an industry analyst and advisor. "Facebook's revenue is predicated on advertising, [so] they need to strike a
A New Way to Control the Ads You See on Facebook, and an Update on Ad Blocking | Facebook NewsroomFacebook Newsroom
Adblock Plus and (a little) more: Oh well, looks like Facebook just got all anti-userAdblock Plus
Facebook Will Force Advertising on Ad-Blocking UsersWall Street Journal

all 252 news articles »

August 10, 2016 2:30 pm

2013: Twitter IPO: How the company became an unlikely darling
Silicon Valley
Rebecca Lieb, a social media expert at Altimeter Group, said Twitter also may benefit from Facebook's success over the past year. When the Menlo Park company went public in 2012, she explained, "the market at large really didn't understand social media …

August 7, 2016 8:48 pm

Marketing Land

Why context is digital marketing's next frontier
Marketing Land
Why context is digital marketing's next frontier. Once upon a time, personalizing content was the ultimate in marketing sophistication. No more, says columnist Rebecca Lieb, who urges marketers to think deeply about why, how and where customers seek

August 4, 2016 1:31 pm
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