content strategy


Research as a Content Marketing Component: Process & Needs

Research. It’s a tried and true component of many a content strategy. Well-crafted, informational, and analytical research is a solid lead-gen tool. It can created publicity, awareness, and has the potential to be amplified in shared media channels including social and news media. Research can be sliced and diced into numerous shareable, reusable artifacts: a

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Five Content Strategy Shortcuts That Aren’t Shortcuts At All

According to my research, corroborated by other studies, while virtually every company is now practicing content marketing, a full 70 percent of them are doing so without first constructing a content strategy that addresses not just why, but how, they will create, disseminate, measure and apply business-related goals to their content. Anecdotally, I find that’s

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Publish or Perish

It’s impossible to spend any time in academia without encountering the ominous and omnipresent phrase “publish or perish.” It’s long been a reality in academia, and it’s become an equally real state of affairs in business, too. Wikipedia describes it thusly: Frequent publication is one of the few methods at scholars’ disposal to demonstrate academic talent.

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The Difference Between ‘Content’ and ‘Content Marketing’

Increasingly, brands are making room for executive content roles within their organizational structure. I’ve been studying content roles in the enterprise for some time now, and realize there’s an issue that’s not yet been addressed. What’s the difference between content and content marketing? There’s a much-vaunted, but rarely-seen-in-the-wild title of chief content officer. That role

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Six Content Marketing Realities

Content marketing: It’s certainly nothing new — it’s been with us since the dawn of marketing — but in digital channels, it’s rapidly changing and evolving. As content changes, so too do the policies, processes, priorities, and governance organizations require to effectively market with content. This applies not only to owned media channels — content

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