content strategy


New Chapter: VP, Content Marketing at Teradata Applications

Over recent years, I’ve dedicated most of my effort and inquiry into content marketing and content strategy.  I’ve written a book on the topic, as well as published more research in the field than any other individual. Content is the distillation of all my professional passions. I’ve worked as a marketer, editor, journalist and analyst – […]

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Steps Toward Developing A Content Strategy

Organizations are finally getting the memo: They need a clear, cogent, documented and well-communicated content strategy to govern their content marketing efforts. My research (at Altimeter Group), corroborated by that of several other studies, indicates that currently 70 percent of companies practicing content marketing lack a documented strategy. But thankfully, this is slowly changing as

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A Meaningful Framework For Content Measurement

Content has become pervasive. It fills websites, social media, advertising and collateral. It comprises words, images, audio-visual material, infographics and a host of other form factors. As media and channels proliferate, so too does content. Yet, according to recent research I conducted, measuring content effectiveness remains the single most daunting task facing (content) marketers. On

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