social media


Publishing In Today’s Digital, Social Reading Environment

Reading. It’s a fundamentally solitary pastime that’s becoming increasingly more social given the baked-in functionalities of e-reading devices (Tweet this!). It’s also – surprise! – an activity on the upswing for a couple of reasons: a proliferation of e-reading devices that are plummeting in price, and consumers’ broad acceptance of reading content on phones and

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Digital Advertising: One-Stop Shopping or á la Carte Services?

Sometimes, timing can be really fortuitous. Almost immediately upon returning from Adobe’s annual marketing summit, where I spent a week immersed in the world of advertising technology stacks, Advertising Age called and asked me to contribute a column on precisely that topic. Here’s the piece they published today on the advantages, and disadvantages, of all-in-one

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Social Media Control

Organizations wouldn’t consider for a moment the concept of not knowing where their financial accounts are (or not having signatory power over them). Ditto accounts with key vendors and suppliers. Yet my colleague Jeremiah Owyang found in the course of conducting research for his just-published report, “Managing Social Media Proliferation,” that companies have, on average, 178

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